Welcome to St.Mary’s National School Cobh Website

St. Mary’s NS are now using an online payments system for money collections. Parents are asked to view Aladdin Connect to view payments due. St. Mary’s NS would would like to thank you in advance for using our online payment system.

Because our new Junior infant pupils cannot come to visit us this year we have put a short video together to support their transition to primary school.  We look forward to welcoming our new Junior Infant pupils to St. Mary’s National School very soon!


To view our school brochure please click on the following link:

St. Mary’s NS- School Brochure

Please click below to view our school video.

Our 6th pupils, the class of 2021, graduated in style on Tuesday, 29th June.Please click on the News tab above to view photos of this special occasion. Under this tab will also find a video of 6th Class pupils sharing their special memories of St. Mary’s NS. Enjoy!

Click on the video below to hear all about the great work of our Comhairle Spraoi!



Click on the video below to hear all about the great work of our Library Committee.

Please click here to view: Letter to Parents 24th June 2021

End of Year reports issued via Aladdin Connect, 16/06/21, Class allocations, booklist, calendar issued via Aladdin Connect 17/06/21

Please click here to view: Letter to Parents 3rd June 2021

Please click here to view: Letter to Parents 14th May 2021

Please click here to view: Letter to Parents 29th April 2021

Please click here to view: Letter to Parents 22nd April 2021

Please click here to view: Letter to Parents 25th March 2021

Please click here to view: Letter to Parents 18th March 2021

Please click here to view: Letter to Parents 11th March 2021

Please click here to view: Letter to Parents 8th March 2021

Please click here to view: Letter to parents 3rd March 2021

Parents of Confirmation  and First Holy Communion pupils to complete the following Confirmation/First Holy Communion Application form. Forms to be returned  to  info@cobhcathedralparish.ie or to Parish Office, 5 Cathedral Terrace, Cobh, Co. Cork by 19th March 2021.

Confirmation App Form -March 2021

Communion Application Form- March 2021

Please click here to view: Letter to all parents- 26th February 2021

Please click here to view: Letter from DCMO to schools 26-02-21

Please click here to view: Letter to all Parents- 24th February 2021

Please click here to view: Information Leaflet for Parents Junior Infants-2nd Class

Please click here to view: St. Mary’s NS Covid 19 Response Plan Feb 2021 

Please click here to view: Feb 2021 Logistics of Covid-19 Response Plan- Information for Parents and Staff

Please click here to view: St. Mary’s NS Covid-19 Risk Assessment

There is a wide range of information materials available for parents and pupils that reinforce public health messaging. These include video messages from public health doctors on the safety of schools, posters and digital animations and videos. Available to view here:


Please click here to view: Letter from Minister Foley to parents and guardians 24 Feb

Families are invited to forward a photograph of their daughter’s favourite piece of work/ achievement they are of most proud of which they completed during the school closure to office@stmarysnscobh.com. Photographs will be shared with the school community via the school website. There are some great photographs coming in already… keep them coming. We are so proud of all that has been achieved by our wonderful pupils at this time. Well done girls! 


  • Our school is currently closed but is still open remotely to support our pupils and parents. 
  • A plan for remote learning is contained in the letter to parents sent via Aladdin Connect on 7th January.
  • All parents are reminded  to check Aladdin for updates regularly. 
  • The school phone line will not be manned during the school closure. Queries may be emailed to office@stmarysnscobh.com. 
  • Staff are working tirelessly to support children and families at this time. Seesaw, Aladdin Connect, Padlets, online programmes, phone, email and home learning support packs are all being used effectively to meet the needs of pupils and parents at this time

  • Supplementary supports are also available under the parent’s tab above. The following padlet has also been created as a means of  sharing with parents/guardians links to many relevant supports which families may find useful during this period of school closure. https://padlet.com/stmarysnscobh/n6nctqcqb0n0q9t4 

  • The following is a link to information which has been complied by TUSLA’s Prevention, Partnership and Family Support (PPFS) Service in North Lee and the Cork CYPSC committee. It is a one-page leaflet which outlines the many supports that are still available during the on-going COVID19 pandemic. It lists many support services available in Cobh, Carrigtwohill and the wider North Lee area. Click here to view: SUPPORT FOR CHILDREN, YOUNG PEOPLE AND FAMILIES in CORK North Lee 2021

Parent/Teacher Meetings- January 2021

  • We intend to proceed with our planned Parent/Teacher meetings at the end of this month.
  • Parent/Teacher meetings will be conducted by phone on Wednesday, 27th and Thursday, 28th January, during the hours of 12.30-3.30pm.
  • As in previous years, meetings will be 10 minutes in duration.
  • This year we will use the Aladdin Connect system to schedule meetings.
  • Please click here to view a helpful guide to : Booking a Parent Teacher Meeting via Aladdin Connect.
  • Parent/Teacher Meeting slots will be released to parents on  Tuesday, 19th January.  
  • In the interest of fairness, meeting Slots will be released in stages as follows:
    • Families with 3 or more siblings in the school: booking available from 9.00am, Tuesday 19th January
    • Families with 2 siblings in the school: booking available from 11.00am, Tuesday, 19th January
    • All other families: booking available from 1.00pm, Tuesday, 19th January
  • All families are expected to engage with Parent/Teacher meetings
  • Only one Parent/Teacher meeting slot is available per family unless specifically requested by email to office@stmarysnscobh.com.
  • Parents are asked to book their Parent/Teacher meeting slot before 1pm on Friday, 22nd
  • If your daughter attends a with a Special Education Teacher, you should also book a meeting slot with the Special Education Teacher.

Click on the video to view our Infant classes perform a medley of Christmas Carols. 

Wishing all members of our school community a happy and healthy Christmas.

Nollaig Shona agus Athbhliain faoi mhaise do gach éinne.


Please click here to view our End of Term Newsletter: Newsletter Christmas 2020

An Nollaig Faoi Ghlas ó Rang IV

Please click here to view Christmas message of thanks from Chairperson, Mr. Victor O’Flynn, on behalf of the Board of Management: Christmas 2020- Message of Thanks from BoM

Please click here to view Minister Norma Foley’s letter to students: Letter to Students from Minister N Foley December 2020

Please click here to view letter to all Parents/Guardians from Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Tony Hollohan: Letter from Chief Medical Officer 17th Dec 2020

Tuesday, 22nd December will be a Festive Jumper day. Children will be permitted to wear a Christmas Jumper or colourful clothes on this date and in return donate €2 via Aladdin Connect. Funds raised will go towards PA fundraising and the Make a Wish Foundation. Many thanks in advance for your contributions.

Exit times for classes on Tuesday, 22nd December:

  • As per tradition all classes will finish early on the last day of term, Tuesday, 22nd
  • Exit times for classes are as follows:



  • Rm 6- 1st/2nd Class- Ms. Hallahan
  • Rm 7- 1st Class- Ms. Gilley
  • Rm 10- 3rd Class- Mrs. Lane
  • Rm 11- 3rd Class- Ms. Quinlan
  • Rm 12- 2nd Class- Mrs. Kelly
  • Rm 13- 5th Class- Ms. Walsh


  • Rm 3- Junior Infants- Ms. Lynch
  • Rm 2- Junior/Senior Infants- Ms. Kelly
  • Rm 1- Senior Infants- Ms. Kelleher


  • Rm 19- 4th Class- Ms. Greally
  • Rm 20- 4th Class- Ms. McElhinney
  • Rm 18- 5th/6th Class- Ms. Halley
  • Rm 17- 6th Class- Ms. Fitzgerald


Our youngest pupils have been learning all about Road Safety. They learned the Safe Cross Code and received a High-Viz jacket each. Well done girls!


Congratulations to Amber O’Flynn, 3rd Class and Lily Cousins, 5th Class on their recent competition wins! Amber’s artistic skills resulted in her class winning a fabulous pizza party complements of Supermacs. Lily’s winning entry in the Cobh Library colouring competition earned her a book voucher and a book. Well done girls!

First Holy Communion 2020

We wish our pupils in 3rd Class every blessing on Saturday, 19th December, as they make their First Holy Communion. This is a long awaited day for the girls and their families- go n-éirí an t-adh libh go léir. 

Please click here to view the letter distributed by the Parish Office containing details of safety measures etc..:St Mary’s NS First Holy Communion, 19th Dec 2020

Please click here to view the prayer page being used in classes as preparation for the sacrament: FIRST HOLY COMMUNION PRAYERS


Tuesday, 15th December: Letter to all parents/guardians can be viewed here: Letter to Parents 15th December 2020

Tuesday, 8th December: Letter to all parents/guardians can be viewed here: Letter to Parents 8th December 2020

Tuesday, 17th November: Letter to all parents/guardians can be viewed here: Letter to Parents 17th November 2020

Thursday, 12th November: Letter to all parents/guardians can be viewed here: Letter to Parents 12th November 2020 

Tuesday, 3rd November: Letter to all parents/guardians can be viewed here: Letter to Parents 3rd November 2020

Thursday, 22nd October: Letter to all parents/guardians can be viewed here: Letter to all Parents- 22nd October 2020

Thursday, 15th October: Letter to all parents/guardians can be viewed here: Letter to Parents 15th October 2020

Thursday, 8th October: Letter to all parents/guardians can be viewed here: Letter to Parents 8th October 2020

Thursday, 1st October: Letter to all parents/guardians can be viewed here: Letter to Parents 1st October 2020

Thursday, 24th September: Letter to all parents/guardians can be viewed here: Letter to Parents 24th September 2020

Thursday, 17th September: Letter to all parents/guardians can be viewed here: Letter to Parents 17th September 2020

Friday, 11th September: Letter to all parents/guardians can be viewed here: Letter to Parents 11th September 2020

Letter sent to all parents/guardians via Aladdin connect on Thursday, 3rd September can be viewed by clicking the link here:

Letter to Parents 3rd September 2020

Covid-19- Please click on the link to view up to date information from HSE in relation to what to do if your child has symptoms of Covid 19. It also outlines when it is safe for your child to go to school and when they should not. In addition it outlines when it is deemed safe for your daughter to come back to school after illness/ Covid test.


COVID-19 – Getting ready to go to the Test Centre: Please click on the link to view a child friendly explanation of the procedure when a child is called for a Covid 19 test. 




Oíche Shamhna Shona Daoibh: All classes celebrated Halloween in style on Friday, 23rd October. To view more photos click on the drop down News tab at the top of the home page. Photos are located in the Dress Up Day 2020 file. 

Many classes also prepared and performed wonderful Halloween dramas, songs and poems in their own classrooms. Ms. Greally’s 4th Class performed a wonderful drama. It is available to view here. Maith sibh Rang 4!

We wish the entire school community a restful and safe midterm break.


The Team Hope Shoebox Appeal is moving online this year. Please click on the following link to view more details:

Team Hope 2020

Please click below to view details of an online parenting course available to all families to support parents to help their children to grow and to thrive during these challenging times. This four-week online course is available to all parents and there is no limit on numbers.

YMCA OnLine Parent Course Flyer

The purchase of a Folens Christmas Annual is optional for all children. Annuals cost €4 each. Order forms were distributed to children on 12th November. Parents are asked to return the order form to their daughter’s class teacher and pay online using Aladdin Connect, please. The deadline for receipt of payment is Monday, 23rd November. Annuals which are not paid for on/before 23rd November will not be ordered. Annuals will be distributed in December.

Class teachers will distribute Home Learning Codes before midterm break. Home Learning Codes allow students to sign in to the Seesaw class app from home while protecting students’ privacy. These codes are unique to each student and prevent students from logging in/posting as other students while at home. Students can add posts, respond to activities, view announcements, and leave comments on their own work. Students cannot see or comment on other students’ work. Please take a photo of this learning code in case it gets misplaced.

Seesaw can be downloaded onto a device such as a phone or tablet or alternatively you can login online on a laptop or computer for example.

Please sign in with your Home Learning code following the steps below:

  1. Go to https://web.seesaw.meon a computer. Or install the Seesaw Class iOS or Android app.
  2. Tap “I’m a Student”.
  3. Scan or type in your Home Learning code.
  4. Post to your journal, respond to activities, and view class announcements.
  5. Remember, this code is like a password. Keep it safe!

Below you will find helpful links to support you while engaging with Seesaw.

Parents are asked to please take this opportunity to familiarise themselves with the app before classes begin to assign homework via Seesaw after midterm. Please do not hesitate to email your daughter’s class teacher if  you have any questions or queries.


It’s a very exciting time for the senior readers in our school as they prepare to meet a real-life author in a brand new way!
On Tuesday, October 13 th , all pupils from 4 th – 6 th Class will meet with popular Irish novelist and children’s author Judi Curtin via Zoom.
Judi will be displayed on the interactive whiteboard in each classroom and will discuss some of her most popular books, which include, ‘Time After Time’, ‘Eva’s Holiday’ and ‘Alice Next Door’. The 4 th – 6 th Class pupils will also have a chance to ask Judi some questions. The girls and their teachers are very excited for this wonderful opportunity. ‘Today a reader, tomorrow a leader’.

Congratulations and best wishes to all our girls from the class of 2020 who will be confirmed on Saturday, 26th September at 2 separate ceremonies. We hope the girls and their families enjoy a lovely day.

Friday, 28th August, 2020: We have had a very successful return to school thus far. It was a joy to see the children’s smiling, happy faces on Thursday and Friday morning. A big thank you to all parents/guardians for their cooperation and support in relation to adhering to systems and measures that have been put in place to keep us all safe at this time.

All parents are reminded of the following:

Arrivals each morning:

  • All parents must adhere to the staggered morning drop off times. Group A should not arrive before 8.40am. Group B should not arrive before 8.55am
  • Only parents of Junior and Senior Infant children are permitted on the school grounds each morning.
  • Parents of 1st-6th Class are not permitted on the school grounds.
  • Parents may not gather at the school gate.

Collection each afternoon:

  • Only parents of Junior Infants-2nd Class are permitted on school grounds to collect pupils.
  • Parents of Junior Infants -2nd Class must wait in the designated waiting areas.
  • Parents should not gather near entrance/exit gates as this blocks the flow of people. 
  • One adult only to enter the school premises when collecting pupils Junior Infants-2nd Class.
  • Parents of 3rd-6th Class are not permitted on school grounds.
  • Pupils from 3rd-6th Class exit the school grounds independently.
  • Parents of children from 3rd-6th Class are asked to inform their daughter(s) each morning where they are to meet their collector after school each day.
  • Parents should note which gate the children will be exiting from. This information was sent previously and is available on the website www.stmarysnscobh.com
  • Parents should note that the lollipop man operates outside the main front gate only.
  • Parents should remind their daughter(s), if crossing the road to the community centre, they should cross with the lollipop man.  

Arrivals and Collections:

  • At arrival and collection times parents should observe a social distance of 2m. Where a distance of 2m cannot be achieved a face covering should be worn.

We have worked very hard to prepare our school for reopening. Measures being put in place are necessary. Our aim is to keep all members of our school community as safe as possible. The cooperation of the entire school community is necessary for us to achieve our common goal.


The Department of Health and the HSE has been working to develop a Schools pathway document for Covid-19, setting out the Public
Health approach to managing isolated confirmed cases of Covid-19 within the school community, and also the principles that will underpin the management of outbreaks or potential outbreaks and the aligned testing strategy within an educational facility.

The HSE document is available to view here:Schools Pathway for Covid-19, the Public Health approach

The following document outlines what will happen if a child becomes ill at school and displays symptoms which may be consistent with Covid 19. 

Click here to view: What happens when a child becomes ill at school and displays symptoms which may be consistent with Covid 19


The Department of Education and the HSE have prepared a suite of resources which offer advice to parents/guardians regrading the reopening of schools. All resources are available from gov.ie/backtoschool

Resources include:

  •  Video for parents with key information on supporting children to return to school. 
  • Flier for parents with key information re: Back to School. Available here: Back to school advice for parents
  • Flier for parents –  The HSE has prepared material on recognising symptoms. Available here: Covid 19 Advice for Parents
  • Age-appropriate videos for children and young people at different stages.
  • Resources in a wide range of languages available from gov.ie/backtoschool.

Letter sent to all families via Aladdin Connect on 22nd August, 2020 is available to view here: Letter to Parents 22nd August

A reminder of arrival and dismissal information issued to all families via Aladdin Connect is available here: Arrival and Dismissal Details for Parents

Waiting Areas for Parents/Play Zones are as follows:


As we re-open the school on 27th August the safety of all is our number one priority.  Our success will depend on each of us playing our part. We are very much looking forward to welcoming our pupils back to St. Mary’s. Thank you to all for your co-operation and support at this time.

The following policies were reviewed and ratified by the Board of Management on 19th August, 2020. Click on the links to view:

First Aid Policy- Reviewed August 2020

Code of Behaviour- Reviewed August 2020

St. Mary’s NS Covid-19 Risk Assessment- August 2020



Dates for the celebration of Sacraments which were postponed last term:

Confirmation: 26th September, 2020- 10am Ms. Fitzgerald’s 6th Class of 2019/2020, 12pm Mrs. Murphy’s 6th Class of 2019/2020

First Holy Communion: 17th October, 2020- 10am Mrs. Lane’s 3rd Class of 2020/2021, 12pm Ms. Quinlan’s 3rd Class of 2020/2021

Only two weeks to go! Please find below letter to all parents/guardians issued to all parents via Aladdin Connect on 12/08/2020 regarding the re-opening of our school. Please also see below St. Mary’s NS’s plan for re-opening the school which outlines the practicalities of re-opening the school including information on  Drop-off and Collection Routines, Physical Distancing, Safe School Attendance and more. All parents/guardians are asked to read both documents carefully. 

Click here to view: Letter to all Parents 12th August 2020

Click here to view: St. Mary’s NS’s Plan for Reopening the School

We are very much looking forward to welcoming this year’s Junior infants to our school. The following information is relevant to parents/guardians of Junior Infant children. Click on the links to view:

Guidance for Parents of Children transitioning from Pre-School to Primary

School Letter to Junior Infant Parents- 12th August, 2020

Junior Infants Revised Starting and Finishing Times- August 2020

6th August, 2020

Dear Parents/Guardians,

I hope you are all well and are enjoying a lovely summer,

Please click below to view the first of a number of correspondences in relation to the re-opening of St. Mary’s NS. I intend to communicate with all families via Aladdin Connect weekly as we prepare for our school to fully re-open on 27th August. All parents are asked to read the information that will be shared carefully and familiarise themselves with all new policies and procedures. Re-opening the school safely will require the co-operation of all members of our School Community. 

Thank you all most sincerely for your support and cooperation.

Le gach dea-ghuí,

Fiona O’Callaghan


Click here to view letter: Thursday, 6th August, 2020

On 27th July the Department of Education published the Covid- 19 Response Plan for the safe and sustainable reopening of Primary and Special Schools.

Here in St. Mary’s NS, we have been working on our plan for the safe reopening of the school for some weeks now. You are invited to read the cod-19 Response Plan which gives details of:
 Physical preparation, signage, hand sanitiser stations
 Advice, procedures and training for the safe return to working in the school for all school staff and pupils
 General and specific advice on how all pupils, staff, parents and visitors will prevent the spread of the virus

Click here to view: Covid-19 Response Plan


St. Mary’s National School Covid Policy Statement can be viewed here.

Click here to view: St. Mary’s NS Covid Policy Statement

Minister for Education, Norma Foley wrote to all parents in relation to the re-opening of schools on 27th July. Her letter to parents can be viewed here.

Click here to view letter to Parents – Letter from Minister Foley



We are currently putting a list together of substitute teachers and SNAs available to work in St. Mary’s NS next term. Please forward a CV to office@stmarysnscobh.com if interested in having your name added to the list. 

St. Mary’s NS is now closed for the summer months. It is hoped that St. Mary’s NS will re-open on Thursday, 27th August. Please note that phone lines will not be monitored over the summer. Please email office@stmarysnscobh.com if wishing to make contact.

All parents/guardians  are asked to please keep an eye on Aladdin Connect and the website over the summer months. We will, as always, endeavour to keep everyone updated as matters evolve.

We wish everyone a restful and safe summer.


St. Mary’s NS are now using an online payments system for money collections. Parents are asked to view Aladdin Connect to view payments due which currently include Book Rental for 3rd-6th Class and Section B of Booklist payment.

St. Mary’s NS would would like to thank you in advance for using our online payment system.

Congratulations to all our 6th girls for reaching this important milestone- today, Wednesday 24th June, is your graduation day! Well done to you all for your hard work, commitment and determination, particularly over the last few months. We would love to be able to celebrate with you all today but while that can’t happen, please know that the entire school community if proud of each and every one of you. 

Your teachers, Ms. Fitzgerald, Mrs. Murphy, Ms. Hanley and I have each written a letter you. Click on the links here to view:

Mrs. Murphy’s Letter to 6th Class

Ms. Fitzgerald’s Letter to 6th Class

Ms. Hanley’s Letter to 6th Class

Mrs. O’Callaghan’s Letter to 6th Class




Tips for Parents: Developing Oral Language with your child

Junior Infants to 1st Class

  • Listen to what your child is saying/trying to say and respond to contributions
  • Make and maintain eye contact while talking with your child
  • Explain the meaning of words
  • Talk through activities
  • Talk through everyday experiences
  • Involve your child in discussions/plans
  • Ask/answer questions
  • Teach your child nursery rhymes/songs/poems/raps
  • Develop your child’s receptive language by asking him/her to follow simple instructions
  • Assist your child to express ideas in an orderly fluent way
  • Read to your child each night

2nd Class to 4th Class

  • Set aside 10-15 minutes to discuss the day’s happenings
  • Encourage your child to express and justify opinions
  • Involve your child in adult conversation when appropriate
  • Talk about your child’s favourite TV programme
  • Play language games which focus on words i.e. Scrabble/Crosswords
  • Encourage your child to talk about experiences with a wide range of people; peers/relations/other adults
  • Listen carefully and clarify meaning ‘Do you mean/Is this what you mean?’
  • Encourage your child to give reasons for decisions
  • Encourage your child to listen courteously to the opinions of others
  • Talk about school topics and assignments

5th Class to 6th Class

  • Encourage your child to develop a positive attitude to speaking/listening
  • Discuss your child’s school work – successes/concerns/interests
  • Respect your child’s opinions and feelings
  • Involve your child in adult conversations, when appropriate
  • Help your child to extend his/her range of words in specialised subjects
  • Encourage your child to listen and respond courteously to others
  • Watch and discuss TV news/current affairs programmes together
  • Assist your child to locate information in local library/internet
  • Talk about school topics and assignments
  • Play commercial games that focus on word building

A word from the Principal:

As Principal of St. Mary’s, it is my pleasure to welcome you to our school website which aims to give you a snapshot of the life of our school community. We also hope to provide you with some useful information.

The website showcases the wealth of experiences we offer the children and gives them a wider audience for their wonderful work. We hope you enjoy your visit and return regularly to check out our latest news.

You are also very welcome to visit us in person. We would be delighted to meet you!


Fiona O’Callaghan


Updated Covid-19 Response Plan: September 2021September 2021- Covid Response Plan.docx